

Coram is committed to improving the lives of the UK’s most vulnerable children and young people.

We support children and young people from birth to independence, creating a change that lasts a lifetime.

Here are some of the ways our work makes a difference to young lives:

  • Coram Adoption has one of the highest placement success levels in the country, 99% of children placed with our adoptive families are still enjoying the security of a permanent family
  • 94% of parents say their child’s emotional wellbeing improved after attending Coram Creative Therapies
  • 93% of Key Stage 1 pupils say Coram Life Education helped them think about drug and alcohol risks
  • 92% young people would recommend Coram Voice to a friend
  • 86% of young people were in education, employment or training six months after leaving Coram’s Supported Housing, compared with fewer than 40% of children in care in London.
  • 86% of Child Law Advice Line callers need no further help from state funded legal advice services

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